Ridiculous Motorhomes You’ll Love

There was an old lady that lived in a shoe, until one day she upgraded to this motorhome-esque contraption. Maybe her husband died and she finally collected life insurance; who am I to say? She upgraded though. Not in a shoe anymore. Come on, you have to admit that it does look pretty sweet. Somebody did great detail work on the door and window, and the shingles look solid. Using an old produce 1950s delivery truck only serves to complement the nostalgia even more so.
The wood covering echoes the old wooden sides and bed of the delivery truck. It rounds out the piece and helps it all come together and make sense. If only we can get inside, I wonder what we would find. Maybe a state-of-the-art living space, or a minimalist paradise with crates and boxes to service tables and chairs. We may never know that, but we do know this one thing, if this RV ever gets termites, the parties over.