Ridiculous Motorhomes You’ll Love

A few things about this motorhome/motorbike/camping thingy. For starters, I bet you can get really good insurance rates, since it is classified as a three wheel vehicle. Secondly, I’m sure every kid in the neighborhood is enthralled by those flames on the side, but your wife or girlfriend… not so much. Third, are those handlebars on the front, really? That’s right, look close and it appears as if there are handlebars on the front.
Where do you sit, though? Obviously inside, but how do you steer this contraption then? I’m guessing there’s a steering wheel and the handlebars are for show, which makes it a kick in the head when you’re driving down the road and make a sharp right turn (where’s the driver, ha ha!). Evidently this guy knows Jesus. In that case the handlebars makes sense. He must be the copilot. I wonder if he’s impressed by the snazzy exhaust and flames as well?