Ridiculous Motorhomes You’ll Love

Okay, so I’m pretty sure you won’t find this rolling off the line anytime soon at your recreational vehicle assembly plant. I wonder how many Volkswagen minibuses were used to put this RV together? It seems like maybe six or seven at least. Yet true to form, it stays with miniubus tradition… its a diesel (see those exhaust stacks probably sticking up like bug antennas behind the driver’s cab?).
The real question, though, is who are you going to sell this thing to once you get tired of it? I guess you could always hit up one of those families from reality TV. You know, the ones who have 20+ children, or propagate like rabbits in heat? They seem to have no trouble with fertility. Plus, they would probably thank you for the gift. This would be the one vehicle they could fit their entire family into with no problem, and it’s cool too!