Auto Mechanics Share The Funniest Things They See On The Job

Hmmm….I Don’t Think That Goes There – It doesn’t take an auto mechanic to know that a spark plug is not suppose to go into the oil pan. But hey, it looks like it works! Is this some genius mechanic hack?
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continue…
Here’s what the mechanic had to say. “Co-Worker left a couple shop rags in the engine valley when doing intake tests. Now he gets to replace the engine.” If you’re a car mechanic, this might be one of your worst nightmares. I hope he found some humor in it.
NEXT: Think this exhaust pipe fix will hold?
How to Fix An Exhaust Rattle for 25 Cents! Hey, it happens. Exhaust pipes rattle loose from their housing, and it can be a hassle to repair, and an even bigger hassle to have to listen to. Here’s a 25 cent fix that caught the mechanic by surprise.
NEXT: Ever seen this many miles on a car?
Million-Mile Club This is from the auto mechanic himself: “Customer Has Been Coming in Since 200k Miles. Said he’d get to 1 million. I’ve been waiting for that day for years. Today he casually rolled up and asked to plug his tire. Needless to say, Best Tire Plug Ever!”
NEXT: There are negative 100 miles left on these rims.
Rims Are Making a Funny Noise – The customer was under the impression that there was no spare, and instead of getting this repaired immediately – he drove around like this for 3 days!
NEXT: There’s nothing that some good ol’ duct tape can’t fix!
Duct Tape Is Always The Solution – Cracks in the tire? Use duct tape. Got a flat? Use duct tape. You can use duct tape to hold old tires together by patching holes and augmenting your worn tire treads. What could go wrong? Oddly enough, this funny duct tape solution actually works, though we wouldn’t recommend it long term.
NEXT: More duct tape!
Duct Tape Is A Temporary Solution – Unless it’s not. The problem with duct tape is the tire rotation on the road or weather can melt it. That is why it is not a permanent fix.
NEXT: This next photo features a tire so bald, it’ll make your dad think he’s got a head full of hair…
Plenty of Tread Left. Right? – Fun fact: If you take your car to the shop and they find something crucially wrong with it (like a completely bald tire driving around out in the rain), then they are required to have you sign a waiver saying you release the mechanic from legal concern if there is an accident because you don’t get the problem fixed. This is one of those cases.
NEXT: Would you say these a gears are shot?
Gears are Shot – We’ve all wondered about the horror stories/comedies that have to come from the mechanics garage. And finally, we’ve put them all together for you. You’re going to love these photos and stories.
NEXT: Not your average dirty filter.
Should Have Used A Wix Oil Filter – The auto shop claimed that the customer swore he hadn’t driven his Camaro in two years. That’s his oil filter there on the right. So…what do you think? Check out the Fram Oil Filter Guide, we’d suggest, cause you clearly need one.
My engine is acting up and making weird, animal noises. Can you check it out?
Look Out – During the winter months, animals look for warmer places to live for survival. A common shelter is inside vehicles. These are ideal locations because they are small and compact spaces, plus the engine stays warm long after it is shut off. If an animal enters your car, the problems they can cause is chewing wires, seats, and interiors.
NEXT: Just take this next photo for proof of that…
Customer Came in Saying He’s Having Some Steering Issues – Now – while we applaud the ingenuity and resolve of this driver to even make it to the shop, we have to warn strongly against using some hand tools as a steering wheel replacement. However, late on in the post you will see a starring wheel replacement we can approve of. So hang around for that.
NEXT: We always appreciate a good warning.
Just A Warning – Here’s the safety cord, just pull on this calmly if all the sudden your car won’t stop accelerating. Which seems like a pretty crucial task when operating a vehicle.
NEXT: What’s that light doing?
What Does This Light Mean? Hey does this mean there is something going on with the brakes, perhaps? Well – good news is that it’s certainly not the engine or the battery. Bad news is that yes there is absolutely an issue ongoing with the brakes. Best of luck with that one, my friend.
NEXT: Is this ac fix genius or just insane?
Gotta do what you gotta do – Hey man sometimes you’ve just got to put some vice grips into your air condition and heating sockets in order to operate the vehicle. And that’s just fine by us.
NEXT: Here’s a rusty situation.
Who Really Needs an Operational Parking Brake Anyway – This entry isn’t from a mechanic, but rather the owner himself. After he bought a new truck, he found something scary/hilarious. He found this holding the parking brake in place. This was on a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500. That’s just downright unsafe – good thing he noticed it early.
NEXT: This isn’t going to be cheep.
When I Saw This I Told Her It Wasn’t Going To Be Cheep – This is honestly one of the better Robin’s nest we’ve ever seen. This took some time to put together. Don’t worry, the eggs were safely relocated and hatched successfully under human intervention – and the car was fixed up nice and new as well. A happy ending.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Customer States Temperature Gage is Reading Full Tank – Just your every day, filled-to-the-brim tank full of hot. We’re not sure what the specific issue is in this bad boy, but it certainly isn’t because there’s a temperature gage reading full tank.This is hilarious! If your car was running that hot, just be grateful you made it to the shop.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
111 PSI is Not Right – Everyone knows (well, maybe not everyone but…) that the air pressure in your tires should hover around the 35-45 psi (pounds per square inch). So seeing a tire with triple digit psi is not only a wild surprise but also a huge concern.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Woah! – Surprised it didn’t explode into the shop! As crazy as this looks, it’s actually kind of cool-looking. But yeah, definitely going to need to put a new set of Goodyear tires on that bad boy. I kind of want to pop one of the pimples just to see the explosion that ensues. But the boss man said no.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Custom Catalytic Converter Cover – U-Haul must be tired of replacing stolen catalytic converters. This photo is taken of the undercarriage of a U-Haul 16-foot moving truck. The re-bar has been welded on to protect the converter from being nicked! Smart move, U-Haul.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
A Driver’s Seat is a Driver’s Seat – J.D. Power and Associates 5x IIHS Top Safety Pick Award of the Year in Its Class, while simultaneously winning Beach Bum of the Year Award in Rancho Cucamonga, California. If you think these stories are humorous, check out our top 10 funny pictures at auto repair shops.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
It’s A Knob, Isn’t It – Is that a knob from a hose? Like a garden hose? That is crazy! This one is so creative that the mechanics were actually pretty excited to see it.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Aye, Aye, Captain – Don’t let the pirate steering wheel distract you from the fact that gear selector is a bottle of rum. Can you imaging explaining this if you got pulled over? But other than it being so wild – it’s actually a pretty awesome set of edits for this vehicle.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Just pulled out Anakin Skywalkers legs – That’s hilarious. Kudos to this mechanic for a high-quality sense of humor. But you know what’s not funny? When the Auto Body Toolmart down the road leaves a wrench INSIDE your vehicle. Check it out…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
That’s Not Where That’s Supposed To Go – From the vehicle owner this time, “Firestone left me a nice snap-On wrench. Been there for 2 days! I thought I heard something rubbing…” Well, congratulations sir, you are the proud new owner of a brand new, auto body shop grade wrench. Enjoy.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
The Fix-It Football – Are your shocks loosened up? Not as springy as they once were? Do you feel a bounce and rattle every time you break or run over a speed bump? Well, don’t go to some Pep Boys Auto Store for a legitimate fix. No way!
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
A Mattress Put His Truck To Sleep – Don’t sleep on beds in the road. And don’t think your Ford F-350 is too macho to not be affected by a spring mattress, because it isn’t. Those wires can wreak havoc in your undercarriage! I bet the mechanics got a good laugh about this one.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Hold on Tight – Fuel tank at risk of clean dropping out of your car? Ehh, just strap it in there, what could possibly go wrong?! We wish we could say we understand the next one…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Wood Block Coil Spring Stabilizers – Because you know what would go really well under the hood – some dry firewood! Why not? This is heinous and the owner of this car should get arrested for gross negligence and stupidity.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Zip Ties Are A Mechanic’s Best Friend – If it’s broken, don’t weld it. Don’t replace it or even fix it. Just throw some zip ties at the problem and that will do just fine! Pure chaos on the next one…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Ferrari Battery – Have you ever seen the battery in a Ferrari? Of course you haven’t. And most mechanics haven’t either. Which is why it takes them a good bit of time to locate it in front of the passenger front tire. Who knew?
NEXT: Is this tire done enough for you?
Can’t Afford New Tires –The mechanic said this, “2017 Maserati Owner Refused to buy new tires and insists on driving it away.” Well that makes sense. The owner spent all his money on the Maserati and now can’t afford to put tires on it that aren’t bald! Typical cheapskate.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Remember to Change Your Oil, Kids – Or else it’ll just bleed out all over your entire engine and then it will look like this and then you will end up on this article and then we will all smile at your misfortune. And you don’t want that, do you?
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
It’s An Algorithm – If anyone can explain to us what’s going on in this photo, please shoot us an email. Otherwise, carry on to the next photo which is equally confusing and amusing.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Honestly, We’re Impressed – So here’s the deal, take a couple of Craftsmen wrench and then weld them to the frame and ta-da! A brand new auto part that has never existed before. This next photo is lying to you!
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire – Don’t lie to us like that! This dual exhaust made to look like a quad-exhaust is no where near as badass as the driver wants everyone on the road to think. But the mechanics know. They see you for what you really are!
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Rental Car Came Back Like This Because The Customer “Had A Plane To Catch” – Hopefully he had the Dollar Car Rental insurance plan. What was this guy doing, driving over a bed of nails for five hours straight!?
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
A Little Water Weight – Customer states, “Interior Smells Like Mold” – the spare tire is literally floating. No wonder it smells like mold, maybe if you had done the slightest amount of leg work into looking at your own vehicle you would know that.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
New Aerodynamic Disc Brakes – It’s not like brakes don’t provide any warning sign that they’re dwindling down. The whole town can your thinning brakes and every red light! Go ahead and grab yourself some Auto Zone brake pads and get this fixed, before we take your license away, ya crazy…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Car goes bump when I drive – We warned you this was going to be bad. How much pressure were they trying to put in that tire? The wheel can be salvaged but this tire is done.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Customer Says His Truck Won’t Go Into 3rd Gear – Yeah well, sir, that’s because your third gear no longer exists. So sorry to hear about your loss. How does this happen? it’s about as bald as the tire y’all saw in the earlier part of this post. Moving on…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Customer Stated He Needed a Punctured Tire Repaired – The mechanic had to tell him he was screwed! Oh boy that’s rich. Nothing beats a good auto mechanic pun, huh?
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Tire Off Balance – Customer’s Tire Refused To Balance. Turns out he put an entire can of Fix-A-Flat in it… So if you’re ever wondering if an entire can of Fix-A-Flat is a good idea or not. The answer is a resounding NO.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Fixed It – Please do not use tape to try to keep your hood closed. If it opens, it can be difficult to see or be a hindrance to drivers around you. In this case, call a tow truck and get it inspected by a mechanic because we guarantee they will say driving like this is unwise. Speaking of crazy, get a load of this next photo…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
Gone Like A Freight Train, Gone Like Yesterday – Customer was wondering why when he started his car this morning, it sounded different. He didn’t understand it when I told him he had been robbed…
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
This Tire Is Older Than Me – A old truck came hobbling into an auto shop in Warsaw, and needed some repairs as well as new tires. The mechanic went to remove the tires and saw this…
These tires are older than the car! Probably older than the mechanic or the auto shop. The USSR disbanded in 1991 and this photo was taken in 2018. That’s a nice shelf life for that set of tires.
NEXT: Hilarious mechanic photos continues…
“Isn’t The Two Tone Supposed to Line Up” – Customer – A bit nit-picky, isn’t it? The two-tone certainly seems to line up pretty good from our perspective. Sure, it might be off a millimeter or three…but come on! No one is noticing that. Moving on…
NEXT: Something new!